Ardashev I.P., Vosmirko B.N., Semenov V.V., Ardasheva E.I., Shternis T.A., Kalistkaya U.B., Yagodkina T.V.
Kemerovo State Medical University, Regional Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care, Kemerovo, Russia
Intervertebral disk herniation develops in 61 % of cases in the lumbar
spine, with 40 % at the level of L4-L5, L5-S1 [1]. It decreases the life
quality, causes long term working disability in 70 %, and serious medical and
economic problems [2, 3].
Currently, the number of young patients has been increasing. It is
associated with insufficient physical activity and sedentary lifestyle [2].
Conservative methods often do not result in positive effect, and one has
to use surgical techniques. Microsurgical technique for treatment of disk
herniation is conducted with low invasive approach, with lower injuries to
tissues and lower time of surgery [1-6].
Objective – to analyze the results of microsurgical discectomy
in the treatment of sacrolumbar intervertebral disc herniation.
A retrospective study included 50 patients (25 men, 25 women, mean age –
45.6) with L4-L5 and L5-S1 disk herniation who received the microsurgical
management in the neurosurgery unit of Podgorbunsky Emergency Regional Clinical
Hospital. The indications for surgery were inefficient conservative treatment
during 25.-3 months, frequent recurrence of pain syndrome with neurological
symptoms in the lower extremities, L4-L5 and L5-S1 herniation with compressed
roots identified with radial and electromyographic examinations. The study did
not include patients who received recurrent surgery. All patients received the
complex clinical, neurological and electroneurographic examination for
estimation of sensitivity and the injury level. The radial methods include
lumbar radiography with two planes, CT and MRI.
Presurgical and postsurgical life quality was estimated with Oswestry
questionnaire, pain – with VAS. MacNab was used for estimation of treatment results [7].
Microsurgery was carried out with CarlZeiss surgical microscope with
10-fold magnification and Aesculap tools. After preliminary radial examination,
a skin decision (3-5 cm) was made in the middle line in region of spinous
processes in prone position with rollers under the chest and pelvic bones. An
ovalary incision was made for opening the aponeurosis. The skeletization of
lateral surface of spinous processes and vertebral arches was carried out. The
bipolar coagulator was used for hemostasis. Caspar wound extensor was used for
extending the wound channel. The yellow ligament was dissected under
microscopic control. Disk hernia was removed after meningoradikulolysis.
Revision of the root and its release from adhesions were performed. Root pulsation
was controlled. The wound was sutured layer-by-layer. The rubber drain was not
removed. All patients received antibacterial agents. The patients initiated
their activity 24 hour after surgery.
The statistical analysis of the results was performed with IBM SPSS Statistics
Base Campus Edition (the license 20170918). Non-parametric methods were used.
Shapiro-Wilk test identified the disparity to normal distribution of
quantitative values, which were included in the study (p > 0.05). Moreover,
The mean level of a sign and a degree of its spreading are presented as
median and interquartile range (Me (25th; 75th)). The qualitative signs are
described as absolute and relative (%) values.
For testing the statistical hypotheses of significance of differences in
samples, χ2
and Mann-Whitney (U) tests were used.
Wilcoxon’s test (W) was used for comparison of dependent samples.
The correlation analysis was conducted with Spearman’s rank coefficient
The critical level of statistical significance during testing the null
hypotheses was p = 0.05.
The study was approved by the local ethical committee and corresponded
to ethical principles of Helsinki Declare (revision 2013). All patients gave
their informed consent for participation in the study.
According to MacNab, 12 months after surgery, 12 % (6
persons) patients estimated the surgical results as excellent. The good result was
in 48 % (24 patients). The satisfactory results were in 24 % (12 patients; χ2
= 15.6;
сс = 3; р = 0.001).
The mean inverse correlation was found between
satisfaction with treatment and patients’ age (Pxy = 0.491; р = 0.001).
So, the symptoms disappeared at the age of 27.25 (33;
40). The patients returned to normal life and professional activity (excellent
results). At the age of 33.75 (39.5; 54), the result was good, and the symptoms
decreased significantly. Functional capabilities improved slightly, but return
to professional activity was impossible in patients at the age of 38 (40.0;
41.0). Such result was satisfactory. The prognosis for professional activity
was unfavorable in older age group – 64 (55.0; 67.0).
Pain syndrome was estimated with VAS before and after
12 months after surgery. It showed the decrease in clinical intensity from 10.0
(10.0; 10.0) to 5.0 (3.0; 7.25) points (Pw = 0.0001).
Pain syndrome intensity decreased from 10.0 (10.0;
10.0) to 4.0 (2.0; 6.0) point in the age group of 40 years, whereas the age of
41 and older showed the decrease from 10.0 (10.0; 10.0) to 5.0 (7.0; 10.0)
points (Pu = 0.0001).
Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) was used for
estimation of vital activity disorders caused by spinal abnormality. ODI was 67
% (62.0; 76.0) in the study group before treatment, and 28.0 % (12.0; 50.0)
after it (Pw = 0.0001). Therefore, one could achieve the significant
improvement in life quality.
The most favorable course of life quality was at the
age < 40 (Pu = 0.0001). According to ODI, the life quality level was 64 %
(62.0; 68.0 %) at admission and 16.0 % (6.0; 28.0; Pw = 0.00010 12 months after
surgery. In the older age group (41 years and older), ODI was 74.0 % (68.0;
80.0) and 38.0 % (30.0; 74.0; Pw = 0.0001) before and after treatment
Our results were excellent and good in 30 patients (60
%) 12 months after surgery. Pain syndrome and neurological symptoms
disappeared, and the patients could return to their professional activity. It
corresponds to the literature data showing the favorable results after
microdiscectomy [8-10]. The highest values of life quality were in the patients
at the age < 40, with disease history from 3 till 5 months with earlier
stages of the degenerative process of the disk. Unsatisfactory results of
microdiscectomy were in 8 (16 %) patients with persistent radicular syndrome
and neurological symptoms. According to the literature data, microdiscectomy
for hernia shows good results in 80-90 %. However 5-25 % of patients complain
of postsurgical radicular pain syndrome in the lumbar spine and in the lower
extremities [10-12].
Microdiscectomy, which is a high tech surgery for
intervertebral disk hernia, shows the high amount of unsatisfactory results,
which are presented by radicular syndrome in the lumbar spine and in the lower
extremities. One of the main causes is formation of scar adhesions in peridural
space [10, 12-15]. Intrasurgical and infectious complications were absent.
According to our data, microdiscectomy is a safe
surgery, which has the highest efficiency for persons at the age before 40 with
less intense degenerative changes of the intervertebral disk.
Microsurgical discectomy for treatment of lumbar
hernia is an efficient and low traumatic surgical intervention. It rapidly
removes the pain syndrome and neurological symptoms, restores the working
ability and improves the life quality for most patients.
Information on financing and conflict of interests
The study was conducted without sponsorship.
The authors declare the absence of any clear or
potential conflicts of interests relating to publication of the article.
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